【HR/HM】ANGRA - Carry On   ドラマティックな展開で聴き飽きることのないプログレッシブメタルとパワーメタルが融合

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist ANGRA
Song Title Carry On
Country ブラジル BRAZIL
Release Year 1993


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

This is a progressive metal and power metal fusion track that clocks in at over 6 minutes but never gets old thanks to its dramatic development. The catchy and powerful guitar riff from the intro is impressive, and the addition of keyboards and drums gradually expands the scale into an epic masterpiece.

Artist overview

A progressive metal band from Brazil formed in 1991. They are known for their melodic guitar solos, complex rhythms, and powerful vocals.

Official site

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