【HR/HM】ARION - Through Your Falling Tears 失恋や別れをテーマにした切ないバラード

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist ARION
Song Title Through Your Falling Tears
Country フィンランド SWEDEN
Release Year 2018


曲の感想 Impressions of the song
失恋や別れをテーマにした切ないバラードです。イントロから哀愁漂うメロディが奏でられ、力強くも繊細な歌声 が心に響きます。サビでは力強いコーラスが加わり、聴く者の心に訴えかけるような壮大な曲展開となります。

A poignant ballad that delves into the depths of heartbreak and separation. From the very first notes, a melancholic melody sets the tone, accompanied by powerful yet delicate vocals that resonate deeply with the listener. The chorus ascends to new heights with a rousing ensemble, creating a grand musical journey that evokes profound emotions.

Artist overview

Hailing from Helsinki, Finland, this symphonic metal band emerged onto the scene in 2011. They are renowned for their powerful vocals, catchy melodies, and energetic performances.

Official site

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