【HR/HM】ART NATION - we are better together ART NATIONの音楽性が凝縮された名曲

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Song Title we are better together
Country スウェーデン SWEDEN
Release Year 2016


曲の感想 Impressions of the song
哀愁漂うイントロから力強いサビ、感動的な歌詞、メロディックなギターソロ、そして一体感あふれるアウトロまで、ART NATIONの音楽性が凝縮された「We Are Better Together」。聴く者の心を掴み、世界へと引き込み、鼓舞し、共感を呼び、深く響き渡り、高揚させるこの曲は、まさに名曲と言えるでしょう。

From its melancholic intro to its soaring chorus, heartfelt lyrics, melodic guitar solo, and unifying outro, ART NATION's "We Are Better Together" is a quintessential embodiment of their musical artistry. This captivating song grabs hold of the listener's heart, transporting them to a realm of emotions, inspiring, evoking empathy, resonating deeply, and elevating their spirits.

Artist overview

Hailing from Sweden and established in 2016, this hard rock band is renowned for its powerful vocals, melodic guitar riffs, and exhilarating rhythms. Characterized by their blend of melodic hard rock and forceful vocals, they have amassed a dedicated fan base not only within their native Sweden but across various European countries.

Official site

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