【HR/HM】DRAGONFORCE - The Flame of Youth 苦難に立ち向かう決意と覚悟が力強く表現されており、聴く人の心を奮い立たせてくれる

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Song Title The Flame of Youth
Release Year 2006


曲の感想 Impressions of the song
疾走感あふれるイントロから始まり、力強いボーカルと、ツインギターによるメロディアスなソロが展開されます。サビは特に盛り上がりを見せます。歌詞は、青春の情熱と希望を歌っており、多くの人々に共感を呼んでいます。特に、"Close your eyes, hear the thunder and rain. Fear inside of the torturing pain. For the cries of the world and the last lives remain. Chain your heart, swear to the for their gain."という部分は、苦難に立ち向かう決意と覚悟が力強く表現されており、聴く人の心を奮い立たせてくれます。

The song kicks off with a super energetic intro, followed by powerful vocals and a melodic twin-guitar solo. The chorus is especially catchy and gets you pumped. The lyrics capture the passion and hope of youth, resonating with many listeners. The lines "Close your eyes, hear the thunder and rain. Fear inside of the torturing pain. For the cries of the world and the last lives remain. Chain your heart, swear to the for their gain." are particularly powerful, expressing a strong determination to face adversity and inspiring listeners.

Artist overview

They're a British power metal band that's totally blown away metalheads worldwide with their insane guitar skills and super-fast songs. Their unique sound, with keyboards and synths, has opened up a whole new world for power metal!

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