【HR/HM】 X JAPAN - Weekend :  週末という言葉に人生における終末をかけたタイトル

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist X
Song Title weekend
Country 日本 JAPAN
Release Year 1990


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

The title of the song, "Weekend," which carries a double meaning of both "weekend" and "end of life," coupled with the lyrical theme of "suicide," evokes a profound sense of melancholy in the listener.

On the one hand, the melancholic melody and heavy, hard-hitting lyrics further enhance the song's captivating nature. The vocalist's anguished vocals linger in the listener's mind, while the high-level performance of each instrument is another highlight. The drums are particularly intense throughout the song, and the guitar solo in the interlude is a thrilling display of virtuosity. As such, it is recommended to listen to the song while paying attention to the sounds beyond the vocals.

Artist overview
X JAPANは、1989年にメジャーデビューを果たし、圧倒的なパフォーマンスと革新的な音楽性で瞬く間に人気を博したヴィジュアル系ロックバンドです。激しいメタルサウンドと美しいバラード、そしてクラシカルな要素を融合させた独自のスタイルが特徴です。X JAPANは、日本の音楽シーンに大きな影響を与えただけでなく、海外でも高い評価を得ている音楽の歴史に名を残す伝説的なロックバンドです。

X JAPAN is a visual kei rock band that debuted in 1989 and quickly gained popularity with their overwhelming performances and innovative musicality. They are known for their unique style that combines intense metal sounds, beautiful ballads, and classical elements. X JAPAN has had a major impact on the Japanese music scene and is a legendary rock band that has left its mark on music history, receiving high acclaim overseas as well.

Official site

楽天バーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ

yahooバーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ

その他 推奨の曲 Other recommended songs 

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