【HR/HM】BONFIRE - Stand Or Fall ギターソロ部では美しいメロディと繊細なギターソロ

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Song Title Stand Or Fall
Country ドイツ GERMANY
Release Year 2018


曲の感想 Impressions of the song
イントロから力強いギターリフとパワフルなドラムサウンドが炸裂し、聴く者を一気に楽曲の世界へと引き込みます。サビはメロディアスなコーラスと力強いボーカルが印象的で、思わず口ずさんでしまうほどキャッチーです。歌詞は、困難に立ち向かう勇気と希望を歌っており、聴く人の心に勇気を与えてくれるようなメッセージが込められています。特に、サビの「Stand or fall, we'll fight until the end」というフレーズは、力強くも切なく、心に訴えかけるものがあります。ギターソロ部では美しいメロディと繊細なギターソロが展開され、楽曲に深みを与えています。

From the very first note, this song explodes with a powerful guitar riff and a driving drumbeat, instantly transporting the listener into its captivating world. The chorus is a standout, featuring a melodic sing-along chorus and powerful vocals that are undeniably catchy. The lyrics are an anthem of courage and hope in the face of adversity, delivering an empowering message that resonates with the listener's spirit. The line "Stand or fall, we'll fight until the end" from the chorus is particularly striking, conveying both strength and vulnerability in a way that stirs the soul. The guitar solo section further enhances the song's depth with its exquisite melody and intricate guitar work.

Artist overview

Hailing from Stuttgart, Germany, this hard rock band was formed in 1981. Renowned for their blend of classic hard rock sounds and powerful vocals, they achieved immense popularity across Europe, particularly during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Official site

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Ready 4 Reaction
Stand Or Fall
The Devil Made Me Do It
