【HR/HM】CHILDREN OF BODOM - Needled 24 / 7 哀愁漂うメロディラインは、聴く者の心をえぐりとるような切なさがあり、メロディックデスメタル

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Song Title Needled 24 / 7
Country フィンランド FINLAND
Release Year 2003


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

From the very first note, this song plunges the listener into an unsettling realm with its discordant tremolo guitars and ominous keyboards. The relentless drums, powerful guitar riffs, and soaring vocals paint a sonic landscape that transports the listener to a world beyond the ordinary. The melody of the chorus is particularly striking. Its melancholic strains pierce the heart with a poignant sorrow, fully embodying the captivating essence of melodic death metal.

Artist overview
1993年に結成され、2020年に解散するまで、8枚のアルバムをリリースし、世界中で熱狂的なファンを獲得しました。メロディック・デスメタルとパワーメタルの要素を融合させた、独特な音楽性で知られています。Alexi Laihoのテクニカルなギターワーク、哀愁漂うメロディ、疾走感のあるリズムなどが特徴です。

Emerging from the Finnish metal scene in 1993, Children of Bodom captivated audiences worldwide with their unique blend of melodic death metal and power metal elements, amassing a devoted fan base before their disbandment in 2020. The band's eight studio albums showcased their distinctive musicality, characterized by Alexi Laiho's virtuosic guitar work, melancholic melodies, and adrenaline-fueled rhythms.

Official site

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