【HR/HM】LOVEBITES - Nameless Warrior 戦争の悲惨さと希望を鮮やかに描き出す圧巻のパフォーマンス

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Song Title Nameless Warrior
Country 日本 JAPAN
Release Year 2020


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

From the very first notes, a powerful yet melancholic guitar riff sets the stage for an immersive and captivating listening experience. The delicate vocals, emotional guitar solo, and the supportive bass and drums create a harmonious blend that vividly portrays the horrors and hope of war.

Artist overview
2015年に結成されたLOVEBITESは、日本のメタルシーンを席巻する女性5人組メタルバンドです。 疾走感のあるリズムと圧倒的な演奏力と力強い歌声で、国内外から熱狂的な支持を集めています。

LOVEBITES is a Japanese all-female heavy metal band formed in 2015. The band has taken the Japanese metal scene by storm, garnering enthusiastic support from both domestic and international audiences with their fast-paced rhythms, overwhelming musicality, and powerful vocals.

Official site

楽天バーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ

yahooバーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ