【HR/HM】摩天楼オペラ - 終わらぬ涙の海で 静寂を打ち破るピアノの旋律から始まるシンフォニックメタル

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist 摩天楼オペラ matenrou opera
Song Title 終わらぬ涙の海で In an endless sea of tears
Country 日本 JAPAN
Release Year 2021


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

The performance begins with a piano melody that breaks the silence, gradually building in intensity and drawing the listener into the world of the story with its powerful vocals and instrumentation. In the A-section, the protagonist's anguish and regret over a lost love are expressed through a poignant voice. As the song moves into the B-section, a fierce guitar riff and powerful drum sound are added, creating an emotional climax. In the chorus, the beautiful melody and soulful vocals combine to deliver a stirring emotion that will move the listener's heart.

Artist overview

A visual rock band that incorporates elements of symphonic metal, metal, progressive rock, and classical music to create their unique style. They are characterized by powerful vocals, heavy sounds, and gorgeous melodies.

Official site

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