【HR/HM】摩天楼オペラ - 喝采と激情のグロリア シンフォニックメタルとパワーメタルのエッセンスを凝縮した壮大なナンバー

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist 摩天楼オペラ matenrou opera
Song Title 喝采と激情のグロリア kassai to gekijyo no guroria
Country 日本 JAPAN
Release Year 2013


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

A soaring masterpiece from the repertoire of Skyscraper Opera, this epic number encapsulates the essence of symphonic metal and power metal. The dramatic development and overwhelming scale are perfectly captured by the phrase "applause and passion." Live performances are sure to unite the audience in a surge of energy, making this a true anthem.

Artist overview

A visual rock band that incorporates elements of symphonic metal, metal, progressive rock, and classical music to create their unique style. They are characterized by powerful vocals, heavy sounds, and gorgeous melodies.

Official site

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