曲紹介 Song Introduction
項目 | 内容 | |
Artist | DRAGONFORCE | |
Song Title | Fallen World | |
Country | イギリス | UNITED KINGDOM |
Release Year | 2012 |
曲の感想 Impressions of the song
哀愁漂う旋律と力強いボーカルが織り成す壮大なパワーメタルアンセムです。イントロから疾走感のあるギターリフが炸裂します。サビはメロディアスで力強く、思わず歌い出したくなるようなキャッチーさです。特に、サビの後半部分の歌詞「Fallen World, Fallen World, We've lost our way」は、絶望的な世界観を表現しており、聴く者の心に深く響きます。
This is an epic power metal anthem with a melancholic melody and powerful vocals. The guitar riff explodes from the intro, driving the song forward. The chorus is melodic and powerful, with a catchy hook that will make you want to sing along. Especially the lyrics "Fallen World, Fallen World, We've lost our way" in the second half of the chorus express a sense of despair and really resonate with the listener.
Artist overview
They're a British power metal band that's totally blown away metalheads worldwide with their insane guitar skills and super-fast songs. Their unique sound, with keyboards and synths, has opened up a whole new world for power metal!
Official site
楽天バーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ
DRAGONFORCE おすすめ曲の紹介 Introduction of recommended songs