【HR/HM】ANGRA - BLEEDING HEART   My bleeding heart, it cries for you My broken dreams, they're all I have left

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist ANGRA
Country ブラジル BRAZIL
Release Year 2001


曲の感想 Impressions of the song
哀愁漂うメロディと切ない歌詞が特徴で、聴く者の心を揺さぶる力強い楽曲です。ピアノとアコースティックギターによる繊細な演奏から始まり、サビでは力強いボーカルとオーケストラが加わって壮大なスケールを演出します。特に印象的なのは、サビのメロディと歌詞です。"My bleeding heart, it cries for you My broken dreams, they're all I have left" 失恋の痛みや絶望を歌った歌詞と、サビのメロディは非常に美しく、一度聴いたら忘れられないほどです。

This powerful song is characterized by its melancholic melody and poignant lyrics, stirring the emotions of those who listen. It begins with a delicate performance of piano and acoustic guitar, and in the chorus, powerful vocals and orchestra join in to create a grand scale. Especially impressive is the melody and lyrics of the chorus. "My bleeding heart, it cries for you My broken dreams, they're all I have left" The lyrics that sing about the pain of heartbreak and despair, and the melody of the chorus are so beautiful that they are unforgettable once heard.

Artist overview

A progressive metal band from Brazil formed in 1991. They are known for their melodic guitar solos, complex rhythms, and powerful vocals.

Official site

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