【HR/HM】ANGRA - Light of Transcendence 荘厳なオーケストラの響きで締めくくられ、壮大なスケール感を演出

曲紹介 Song Introduction

項目 内容
Artist ANGRA
Song Title Light of Transcendence
Country ブラジル BRAZIL
Release Year 2018


曲の感想 Impressions of the song

From the intro to Verse A, the song powerfully expresses the struggles and conflicts of life, setting the stage for an emotional journey.
In Verse B, beautiful vocals intertwine with twin guitars, captivating the listener's heart with their enchanting melodies.
The chorus delivers a powerful message of hope and resilience with unwavering determination, urging listeners to embrace the light amidst adversity.
The guitar solo showcases the guitarist's virtuosity and expressiveness, leaving the audience in awe of their technical prowess.
The outro brings the song to a close with a majestic orchestral crescendo, emphasizing its grand scale and emotional impact.

Artist overview
A progressive metal band from Brazil formed in 1991. They are known for their melodic guitar solos, complex rhythms, and powerful vocals.

Official site

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