曲紹介 Song Introduction
項目 | 内容 | |
Artist | ART NATION | |
Song Title | Echo | |
Country | スウェーデン | SWEDEN |
Release Year | 2023 |
曲の感想 Impressions of the song
イントロから心を掴まれるような力強いギターリフで始まります。そして、ボーカルの力強くも繊細な歌声が加わり、一気に物語の世界へと引き込まれます。サビでは、キャッチーなメロディと力強いコーラスが印象的です。特に、"You're the echo in my heart"というフレーズは、聴く者の心に深く響きます。間奏では、ギターソロが奏でられ、曲にさらなるドラマ性を与えます。
From the very first notes, the song captivates the listener with its powerful guitar riff that grabs hold of the heart. The vocalist's strong yet delicate voice then enters, immersing the listener fully into the narrative world of the song. The chorus stands out with its catchy melody and powerful chorus vocals. The phrase "You're the echo in my heart" particularly resonates deeply with the listener's soul. During the interlude, a guitar solo takes center stage, adding a layer of drama to the piece.
Artist overview
Hailing from Sweden and established in 2016, this hard rock band is renowned for its powerful vocals, melodic guitar riffs, and exhilarating rhythms. Characterized by their blend of melodic hard rock and forceful vocals, they have amassed a dedicated fan base not only within their native Sweden but across various European countries.
Official site
楽天バーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ
ART NATION おすすめ曲の紹介 Introduction of recommended songs
曲名 |
Brutal & Beautiful |
Ghost Town |
we are better together |
fallen world |
One Is Better Than No One |
The cure |
Who We Are |
Echo |
Look to the Sky |
Here I am |