曲紹介 Song Introduction
項目 | 内容 | |
Artist | ART NATION | |
Song Title | One Is Better Than No One | |
Country | スウェーデン | SWEDEN |
Release Year | 2014 |
曲の感想 Impressions of the song
力強いギターリフと哀愁漂うメロディーが織りなすドラマチックなサウンドと、孤独や挫折を乗り越え前に進むという力強くも切ないメッセージが込められた歌詞が印象的なART NATIONの代表曲「One Is Better Than No One」。サビの「One is better than no one」は、聴く人の心に勇気を与え、困難に立ち向かう力を与えてくれます。
Soaring guitar riffs intertwine with melancholic melodies to create a dramatic soundscape in ART NATION's iconic anthem, "One Is Better Than No One." The lyrics, imbued with a powerful yet poignant message of overcoming loneliness, setbacks, and forging ahead, leave an indelible mark on the listener.
The chorus, with its resounding refrain of "One is better than no one," serves as a beacon of hope, instilling courage and empowering individuals to face challenges with unwavering determination.
Artist overview
Hailing from Sweden and established in 2016, this hard rock band is renowned for its powerful vocals, melodic guitar riffs, and exhilarating rhythms. Characterized by their blend of melodic hard rock and forceful vocals, they have amassed a dedicated fan base not only within their native Sweden but across various European countries.
Official site
楽天バーナ ポチっとお願いします(゚Д゚)ノ
ART NATION おすすめ曲の紹介 Introduction of recommended songs
曲名 |
Brutal & Beautiful |
Ghost Town |
we are better together |
fallen world |
One Is Better Than No One |
The cure |
Who We Are |
Echo |
Look to the Sky |
Here I am |